Book Launch

Scaling up your business - even in a recession

In this podcast episode, Sarah Hamilton-Gill talks about keys to scaling up your business. Even in the midst of financial difficulties globally, there are still opportunities.

When coaching Sarah often hears about consultants’ desires to scale up and grow their business. Again a key question is ‘why do you want to do this?’ Often, it’s because they want to sell their business in the future. Do you have a 5 or 10 year or long-term plan? Pay attention to the detail and be clear! Sarah discusses further how her business helps scale ups by her Mastermind group programme and 1:1 coaching.

How can you scale up? Sarah gives you some key pointers on this.
How adaptable and flexible is your business? Do you have automations?

Sarah Hamilton-Gill is joined by Nicola Marshman of NMBR Consulting Ltd. Nicola specialises in the other side of finance, rather than the day to day, looking at strategic finance, helping business owners view what their business will look like in the future, so they know how to look forward and plan in terms of cash and so much more.

Before the covid lockdown, Nicola was working in Singapore with large corporates, but wanted to work with smaller companies. She wanted to move back to the UK and set up her own business. This was challenging as this was through covid, but she finds it extremely rewarding working with small businesses, seeing the impact she can make to them.

Nicola is also part of the CFO centre, offering support to early-stage larger businesses.

Is there funding out there for start-ups? Yes, there is. Nicola discusses this further with Sarah, and also gives some great top tips.

Nicola will be joining Sarah on a future webinar to discuss the above, and much more further.


Mastermind programme:

Capsule CRM:

Book a chat with Sarah: Book now

Connect with Sarah Hamilton-Gill FCIPD on LinkedIn:
Connect with Nicola on LinkedIn:

Webinar with Nicola ‘coming soon’. Please follow us on Eventbrite to know when it’s launched ‘hot off the press’:

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