Book Launch

From independent HR consultant to business owner

Today Sarah Hamilton-Gill FCIPD is re-joined by Julia Crawford, MD of People Pillar. Julia was a podcast guest in Episode 10, talking about credibility and starting out. Just 12 months later Julia is running a very successful HR consulting business.

In this episode Julia and Sarah speak more about growing businesses, working with associates and taking on her first member of staff. They also discuss what comes with growing a business, and the journey from being an independent HR consultant, to becoming a business owner. They also discuss one of the things that many consultants find difficult, sales. Julia’s tip on this? Don’t think of it as sales or trying to sell your service, think about it as being curious about someone else’s business, and always look for those opportunities, which often come in the most unlikely places.

Find out what’s next for Julia and her business too!


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