Book Launch

Retainers - the pros and cons for your HR consulting business

In this episode Sarah Hamilton-Gill FCIPD talks about HR retainers. Are they part of your business strategy?

Sarah answers a lot of the questions she regularly gets asked about retainers and pricing including:

- What is a retainer?
- Why should you have retainers? Or should you?
- How do you put together packages and prices?
- Should these retainers be standard or bespoke?
- Should I put the prices of these on my website?

Sarah also tackles other essential questions including why it is essential to track your time and why when you are busy it’s essential not to turn work down, but find some associates you trust that you can work with.

Sarah is joined by the founder of Freedom HR, Deborah Barrett. Deborah talks more about her journey as an HR consultant, and how she uses retainers.

Deborah also talks about why she decided to take the leap from working in the corporate field to running her own HR consulting business and the huge difference it has made to both her life and that of her family. She further eludes that her decision was made after reading Sarah Hamilton-Gills’ award winning book ‘Leap into HR Consulting’.



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