Book Launch

Finding consistency on the consultancy rollercoaster

This theme for this episode is consistency. Sarah talks about the rollercoaster of having your own business and that it’s essential to put time aside every week for your own business development. She also discusses the importance of daily habits.

For example networking and social media posting, where scheduling for example is very useful to be able to ensure even when you aren’t around that you are drip-feeding posts to your followers. However it’s still essential to make time to answer any questions or comments, and like or love posts.

Today Sarah is joined by Laura Johnson MCIPD, who started her company Open HR Consulting Ltd in July 2021. Coming from a charity background with Oxfam, Laura’s niche is small charities, social enterprises and not for profits. Laura talks openly and honestly about setting up her businesses, and the highs and lows experienced.

Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn:

Buy Sarah’s book: Leap into HR Consulting: How to move successfully from Corporate to HR Consulting:

Read our blog about Sarah’s book’s first anniversary: Celebrating the first anniversary of ‘Leap into HR Consulting: How to Move Successfully from Corporate to Consulting’ book:

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