Book Launch

Giving 1% every day

In this episode Sarah talks about giving 1% every day. In the first part of this podcast Sarah encourages you to look at your business using her 5 Cs model and marking on a scale of 1-10, which is further explained. Your score will help you to address your strengths and weaknesses and enable you to set yourself 3 things you would like to achieve in the next 30 days.

The release date of the podcast (5th November 2021) is the first anniversary of Sarah’s ‘Leap into HR Consulting: How to Move Successfully from Corporate to Consulting’ book. She talks about this and how she was drawn to writing it, and her passion to help others transform their dreams into reality.

Sarah is joined by Andy Robinson, Director of All Areas HR Ltd, one of her Bootcamp Graduates. Andy’s journey has been very different to a lot of the people who have been through the Bootcamp. In fact it was his wife who had signed up for Sarah’s webinar and she encouraged him to come along too.

Andy now works with his wife and talks passionately about how running their consultancy business brings them freedom, flexibility, and plays to his traits of being resilient, determined, self-motivated and independent.

Connect with Andy on LinkedIn:
Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn:
Buy Sarah’s book: Leap into HR Consulting: How to move successfully from Corporate to HR Consulting:
Read our blog about Sarah’s book’s first anniversary: Celebrating the first anniversary of ‘Leap into HR Consulting: How to Move Successfully from Corporate to Consulting’ book

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