Book Launch

Menopause and HR(T) - Menopause Month Special

October is National Menopause Month and a topic close to Sarah’s heart. Today for this special longer edition, she is joined by Dee Murray, Founder of Menopause Experts, Sue Benoke, MD of Smarter Business Consulting and Kate Madison-Greenwell MCIPD, Director of People Efficient.

Dee discusses her social enterprise Menopause Experts, and talks about her own personal experiences with the Menopause. She also signposts to the Menopause Experts website for free online training for both women and men.

Sue Benoke, an HR consultant and trained Accountant shares her experiences and knowledge of working with the legal profession. She discusses the need for employers to become more educated, so they become pro-active and ensure they have the right policies in place for the menopause.

Kate Madison-Greenwell shares her very personal story of starting the menopause in her 30s due to medical reasons. She talks honestly about the effect it had on her and the overwhelm and anxiety that it brings with it, when working as a senior leader.

Every woman is affected different due to the Menopause and has their own personal story and journey. However we hope this podcast is a starting point to get more people talking about it. Not just women.

Here are some useful links:

Menopause Experts website:

Menopause Experts free training for men and women:

Connect on LinkedIn with:

Sarah Hamilton-Gill:
Dee Murray:
Sue Benoke:
Kate Madison-Greenwell:

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